Collection: Bodega El Maestro Sierra

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El Maestro Sierra, the most traditional sherry maker in Jerez, boasts an impressive 180 years of winemaking expertise. Their unwavering commitment to authentic craftsmanship and artisanal character has firmly established this family-owned bodega as a beacon of excellence.

Led by the dynamic matriarch Doña Pilar Pla Pechovierto and her daughter Maria del Carmen Borrego Pla, El Maestro Sierra has garnered international acclaim and well-deserved prestige. Their solid ethical foundation, prioritizing quality over quantity, has ensured their success as they continue to age, bottle, and export extraordinary and deeply personal wines.

Over a century ago, a skilled cooper named Jose Antonio Sierra dared to dream in the outskirts of Jerez. Establishing his workshop in what is now the heart of El Maestro Sierra bodega, he laid the foundation for their enduring legacy. Today, El Maestro Sierra stands proudly as a testament to his craftsmanship, with some of his nearly two-hundred-year-old butts still preserving his carved signature and holding the bodega's finest centenary wines.

The Wine

El Maestro Sierra remains true to its tradition of blending traditional winemaking techniques with artisanal character. This family-owned bodega, belonging to the Jerez-Xérès-Sherry D.O., continues to age, bottle, and export wines that exemplify the distinct qualities of the region. Guided by the passion and dedication of Maria del Carmen Borrego Plá, the wine maker and researcher, El Maestro Sierra upholds the rich cultural heritage of Sherry. Recognizing wine as a symbol of identity deeply rooted in literature, history, religion, and celebrations, Maria del Carmen Borrego Plá's commitment to uncovering every facet of Sherry's history is unmatched. Her scientific contributions and meticulous research have shed light on the unique development and profound connection of Sherry with popular culture.

Embracing the Latin saying ""Primus Inter Pares,"" meaning the first among equals, El Maestro Sierra stands as a testament to the shared spirit and culture of this exceptional wine. It is an obligation to preserve the quality and heritage of a wine that spans over two millennia, leaving an indelible mark on history and inspiring profound emotions. With Maria del Carmen Borrego Plá's dedication and profound understanding, El Maestro Sierra continues to honour Sherry's legacy and enrich the world of wine. "